Thembalethu Care Organization is a member of the Hospice Association of KZN and Association of Palliative Care Centres in South Africa.

Thembalethu Care Organisation provides home-based holistic hospice care to those with life-limiting conditions and their family members. We have a professional team consisting of nurse, social worker and pastoral caregiver as well as our well-trained community-based caregivers. We provide a thorough holistic assessment, support with pain and symptom management, psychosocial, emotional and spiritual support for the patient and household members and bereavement support. Our admission criteria includes those with advanced HIV/AIDS, TB, cancer, debilitating stroke, acute malnutrition and end-stage of other illnesses.
For hospice admission, please contact us
For hospice admission, please contact us
What is Palliative Care?
Palliative care is a professional patient-centered approach to manage holistic symptoms of patients living with a life-threatening illness or life limiting condition. It attends to the medical, physical, emotional, psychosocial, cultural and spiritual elements of life-limiting illness and supports with health education.
"When Thembalethu came into my life, I had lost hope. My son had had a stroke, he wasn't able to do anything for himself, he was entirely bed-bound. Thembalethu's interventions made such a difference in our lives. We were introduced to physio and speech therapists who gave him daily exercises for us to do which made a huge difference in his life. He wasn't able to speak, but now he is able to talk. I’m thankful to God who has helped me to be brave for my son. He is now much better than before. |

We provide:
We provide care in patient’s homes to support
their access to palliative care services.
We provide care in patient’s homes to support
their access to palliative care services.

We provide nursing care, information and support
for family caregivers caring for patients at advanced
stage of illness.

We provide professional emotional and social support
and counselling to patients and their families to
facilitate quality of life, whatever the stage of illness.

We provide care to children diagnosed with life-limiting
illness, including HIV and TB, and support their family
caregivers in their care.